Thursday, October 1, 2009

Drum Roll Please......

Today was the day to pick the winner of my birthday gift away, and since it was my youngest son's birthday, it only seemed fitting that I let him do the honors.

The names all ready to be drawn

Some in the family are totally uninterested in the process

Max, blindfolded and ready to draw

The winning ticket!

As you can see the winner is Susie McMahon!! Congratulations Susie! Thank you so much to everyone who participated and all your lovely birthday wishes. I had so much fun doing this that I may have to make it an annual event!


  1. Whoah! How exciting is this! I never win anything......I'm elated....Thank you! :D

  2. Congrats Susie! You lucky girl!
    Happy Bday to your son Cynthia! Hope y'all a good celebration

  3. Rats, I didn't win. Congrats to Susie, she said begrudgingly.


  4. Congrats Susie! And Happy Belated Birthday to Max! :)
