Friday, December 14, 2007

Happy Holidays!

I feel like I'm finally getting a chance to breath and so I'm taking the time to update my various web presences. This time of year is always insanely actually starts in October and builds through the following months to a fever pitched crescendo in December...but I guess that comes with the territory if you want to actually ...gasp...SELL your art.
It has been decidedly unseasonal here this year. The temperature has actually been in the high 70's all week leaving me feeling very non festive...thank you global warming...but supposedly we'll be in the 40's tomorrow...this weather reminds me of a menopausal I'll be happy by the fireside or the oven...all those cookies to bake! Well not on a fire..IN the oven. Today I need to go start some blueberry jam from the berries I froze last summer (It's WAY too hot here in the summer to make jam!) because if my dad doesn't get jam in his stocking he will definitely pout!
And in NEWS, I am having my very first, limited time only, get them while they're hot SALE!! THIS WEEKEND ONLY SALE!! Dec 13, 14 & 15 get 20% off all orders over$100.00 and 10% off orders over $50.00 in my shop!! And here is a sneak preview of what is there: