Hello everyone! I thought I'd try and start the year off on the right foot this time and actually write a New Year post on time! Woo Hoo! (Try not to faint.) 2018 was a pretty rough year for the world; war, hurricanes, fires, floods, and of course the dumpster fire that is our government these days. There were lots of good moments too but the bad news seemed to be overwhelming so much of the time. So I've decided to post my all time favorite New Year's wish from the marvelous Neil Gaiman. He wrote this (runs to check)(Wow!),18 years ago. So many years, so much has happened, and still this wish continues to say best what I hope for everyone I care about.
your coming year be filled with magic and dreams and good madness. I
hope you read some fine books and kiss someone who thinks you're
wonderful, and don't forget to make
some art -- write or draw or build or sing or live as only you can. And
I hope, somewhere in the next year, you surprise yourself."
-Neil Gaiman
May 2018 bring all of that plus love and joy, lots of joy, to all of us.
(The photo is of a "super moon" that I took one mostly cloudy evening. I was so lucky to catch the moon when she peeked out for just a moment. See? Magic!)
(Also I plan on resisting my heart out again in 2018! So there's that!)