One of these people is doll artist, Natasha Morgan. I talk to Natasha (and her funny husband Cris...Hi Cris!) who live in Wales, on an almost daily basis through the magic of Twitter... and we have a marvelous time discussing all sorts of things, they are truly kindred spirits. In addition to being fun to talk to, Natasha makes amazing and oh so original dolls. Check out her Hester and Pearl from The Scarlet Letter...
They are just so fabulous! All of her characters have long, carefully researched back stories and she puts an amazing amount of detail into each doll's costume, everything historically correct right down to the underclothes! Here's her shop...go check it out...I'll wait...
Recently Natasha made some tiny peg dolls for her shop that I fell in love know me, huge fan of all things tiny, especially tiny dolls. You saw the peg dolls in her shop right? No? Go look here. When I told her how much I liked them...she sent me one!!! I got this lovely package in the mail...
and inside was this wonderful lady...
Isn't she marvelous? I simply love her. Thank you Natasha, you are the best! (I'll have to make a suitably wonderful doll to send back, won't I? ) The internet is truly a fabulous beast.
And what have I been doing with my time, you may is June already! How the heck did that happen? Here's a few dolls that I've finished lately...
A Blue Fairy
A Summer Fairy
Speaking of summer it is right around the corner! We have had the most lovely Spring and my garden is full of flowers so I'll leave you with a shot of those...and wish you joy in your friends, wherever you may find them!