I thought I'd share with you some lines from the wonderful book Wild Comfort by Kathleen Dean Moore and let her words serve as my New Years blessing for us all...
"May we find comfort in the 'repeated refrains of nature', the softly sheltering snow, the changing seasons, the return of the blackbirds to the marsh...
May we find strength in light that pours in under snow and laughter that breaks through tears...
May we go out into the light filled snow and among the meadows in bloom, with gratitude for life that is deep and alive! May Earth's fire burn in our hearts, and may we know ourselves part of this flame - one thing, never alone, never weary of life."
I have set myself a few intentions for this year; 1- to get out into nature on a more regular basis and not let my health hold me back, 2- to try and blog more again and finally get some tutorials up, 3- to be more proactive with getting work done for holidays and shows and not wait til the last minute, 4-to actually make some of the ideas that I've had in the back of my head for ages, and lastly 5-to try and find ways to be happy even when the world seems dark. We shall see how it goes...
I am getting a good start by having a post up for the new year on time so maybe...?What about you? Any intentions that you'd like to manifest this year?