Friday, October 9, 2009

Cats and Tags

My new tags came and I've been working on some more wallets...

Aren't those tags great?! I ordered them from a shop on Etsy, Avlor. Amy, the shop owner, was an absolute dream to work with and she developed the perfect tags for me...fairyish of course! New laws here in the US require that all children's items have tags with all this info and Amy's upcycled cotton tags were the perfect fit for my natural toys. (In case you're wondering, DOM stands for "date of manufacture" and I write in the date I finish a piece after that.) And then I liked them so much I started putting them on my other items as well! I guess I went a bit...tag happy?

Calliope was trying to steal the new kitty wallet...

But I wouldn't let her have it and then I wouldn't let her stand in front of the computer monitor either...the nerve of she decided to look peevishly out the window as I typed...

and eventually when I did not give her my undivided attention...a few pets and scratches obviously don't count...she left in a huff. I'm sure I'll be paying for this later.

Now I'm off to make roast duck for dinner. It's the 27th anniversary of my being married to my best friend, who is also a totally amazing guy, and we're celebrating by cooking an amazing dinner together in our lovely new kitchen...roast duck....YUM!


  1. You are so charming. I love popping in here to see what is new!

  2. Congratulations on your 27 anniversary! Wishing you both many more years of happiness together!
    Anna aka

  3. happy anniversary! Awesome tags! I used to make wallets, haven't done it in ages. They always sold really well at craft fairs, not so well on etsy. Off to check out your tag shop recommendation!

  4. Hi Cynthia! Just wanted to let you know that my beautiful "Birthday Fairy" arrived this morning....She is utterly adorable. Even better in real life than in pics.

    Thank you so much - I am a happy little vegemite today! <3 <3 <3

  5. Oh......and Happy Anniversary. Your Best Friend is obviously a!

  6. My kitty is ever watching Me when I'm making bracelets or earings and when I'm not seeing Her, atack the beads....and then all on the floor...or when I'm seding the felt in a brooche..She see Me with atention and make every day happy to have her.
