Wednesday, August 29, 2012

WIP Wednesdays

I've been posting WIP updates every Wednesday on my Facebook page and I've decided to do the same here. I've been very neglectful of my blog lately and it's time to change that!
 It's been a flurry of fabric and fibers here at the nest as I'm getting ready for a gallery show in October and right now I have 20 little dolls on my table...some for the show and some for the shop. Here's how they've been progressing...

And here are some interesting little shoes...can you guess who they're for?

I'm also going to start posting listing times for my Etsy shop here as well as on Facebook so stay tuned for one of those coming soon!


  1. Thank you! This is wonderful news indeed!

    Oh the magic you weave with your dolls! I forget that they begin so humbly and in your hands transform into some of the most beautiful and - yes - magical dolls in the world.

    So glad to see you back here!!

  2. Thanks for posting your update here. I'm not a big fan of Facebook.

    Lots of lovelies in the making:)

  3. It's fun seeing the progress and the before and after of these precious dolls. I'll watch for finish.

  4. Oh, that heap of little half-made dolls is really sweet. I love how their all places on a fold of their dress fabric. You're going to be so busy!

    And the shoes? Halloween!

  5. Lovely dolls will appear soon! You are doing great art :) Thanks for sharing.

  6. I love progress shots, it really highlights how much work goes into beautiful creations! They're adorable, love seeing fellow doll makers! Pop over and see my blog sometime, I'm also on facebook so I'll add you to my page :)

    xo JayLee Oddity xo
