Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Witches and Fall Fae

I promised to share some photos of the new dolls in the shop so here we go...

A Candy Corn Witch (sold)

A Pumpkin Witch (sold)

This one has both so we'll call her a Halloween Witch

Autumn Leaves Pixie

Autumn Berries Pixie (sold)

Happy Fall...Enjoy!


  1. I just love your little dolls! They are all just so cute!

  2. I love the fabric on the dress of the Pumpkin witch!

  3. So sweet, especially the autumn leaves fairy!

  4. i fell through a little door in blogging land and arrived here~what a wonderful place~i fell in love with the rats!! you are so very talented!

  5. I love your pixie dolls with all their cute little parts (the turning tricks post was interesting too!)

    Found your blog on Aquariann's Autumn Blog Hop :)
