Friday, April 30, 2010

Fairy Tale Finds - Rapunzel

Today's finds are from Rapunzel. Poor girl: given away by her parents for a craving, locked in a tower all her life, forced to use her hair as a ladder, abandoned pregnant in a desert where she wanders with her two children for years...a pretty dreadful life! And can you imagine having to wash that hair!? So here's a little homage to Rapunzel, it's a good thing her story has a happy ending.

I think this illustration sums it up perfectly!

Rapunzel by BadBird.

If you want to walk a mile in her shoes you'll need the hair,

Two double helix Rapunzel extensions by puppycatmeow.

and of course a tower.
Hand Carved Tower Lamp by River Otter Rustics.

This lovely set would make taking care of all that hair a bit less of a chore.

Vintage Vanity Set by Monday Pie.

And finally I couldn't resist sharing this set. It a bag with a notebook and keychain pocket mirror all with lovely Rapunzel illustrations.

Rapunzel Set by Ying-Chieh Liu.



  1. I love a disgruntled Rapunzel;) My mom had a brush set like that when I was a little girl. I remember it being so heavy that I couldn't lift it for very long.

  2. I love all your great storybook finds!

  3. Love bad bird - I think it's perfect too!

  4. Ooh, I love the vanity set... off to look :O)

  5. you have lovely things here! by the way i'm following your blog now :)
