Friday, June 26, 2009

Baking Shoes

Work on the new kitchen is progressing nicely but I'm not quite ready for the unveiling yet. Perhaps after this weekend,when we're done painting the ceiling and refinishing the floor. Ah the sweet smell of polyurethane... Bleck!! In the meantime I'm working steadily on my other goal...making enough stock for my upcoming show. So with that objective, today I baked a tray of shoes. Yup...I was baking shoes today. These ladies looked on in wonder as the tray filled...

I love the hair on the far left doll! Can you say extremely bad hair day?! Poor little Alice, the flowers did say that her petals were very untidy. Luckily she had a hair appointment later that day...

Of course there's still the one on the right that's bald... Back to the studio I go. Have a wonderful weekend folks!


  1. LOOK at all of those cute little shoes! What a fun shot.

  2. They're so cute!
    And Alice is devine.

  3. I love the photo with your dolls peeking into the shoe bakery!

    Best wishes with your show and your remodel! :)

  4. Aha! Your secret is out! You get these wee folk to make these shoes overnight while you sleep!

  5. I love the shoes, shoes out of clay, sounds good, I make mine out of felt, should give it a try

  6. The shoes look so cute! Can't wait to see the new kitchen!
    I have a question: How do you get a full page of blog space?! (as apposed to a channel in the middle!!) :O)

  7. Oh, how cute! Looking at their shoes.


  8. oh dear Susie, you've found me out!! Now I wonder if I can get them to sand floors....

  9. Bad hair-day???? Your doll's have such beautiful faces - dosn't matter the Hair flying around : ). And so much shoes... sweet little shoes - look like the story about "wichtelmännchen" or "Heinzelmännchen" - waiting for their shoes... Tinki

  10. Hysterical picture of the dolls looking at the shoes. Too adorable!

  11. I was stopping in to check out your ADO challenge doll, who is lovely, but I had to comment on the picture of the little ones peeking in on the baked shoes, it's SO cute!

  12. I love this picture of the dolls looking just makes me smile and laugh out loud
