Monday, March 24, 2008

Another tag...

Izile of Izile's Oddities has tagged me with the "5 Things that someone might not know about me". Now I did a similar tag last year but I think I can probably come up with 5 more... Hmmm...

1. I absolutely refuse to pass on chain mail, I don't care how much you threaten me with bad luck and immediate punishment I will NOT do it!
2. In the winter I usually wear men's shoes...they just feel more comfortable, what can I say.
3. I love gardening. By August my garden is usually in a very sad state because this area is horribly rough on plants, but I still do it every year. The joy is in the process...
4. I can sometimes taste color. It's a weird on again off again thing.
5. I hate math and barely managed to pass it in school but have somehow ended up in charge of all my family finances, and doing a damn fine job of them too...who'd have thought it?!

Now unfortunately the absolute expressed in #1 extends to tagging other people with these...I just can't do it. But feel free to tag yourselves if you have the desire and let us know in my comments:)

I just returned from a wonderful trip to the mountains and I hope to have some fun photos up soon of a fabric-aholic's paradise...stay tuned!


  1. I hate chain mail too! That and door to door religion salesmen - what are they called?!

    Hope you had fun in the mountains!

  2. Chain mail is just so wrong!
    As for maths.....urgh, i hate it and try to avoid it at all cost. Can't wait to see those mountain pics....

  3. Men's shoes are more comfortable, much more toe room.

  4. As soon as I saw the words chain mail I thought of the maille that I make and it took me a second to realize that there's something else with the same name. What can I say? Chain on the brain. =D

    I was tagged by both Izile and MrsDragon! I have to do that today before I keep forgetting. . .

  5. Ha! Athena's chain maille is the good kind and extremely awesome to boot!

  6. hee! I'm worse than Athena, I don't even make chain mail and thats what I thought of too :)

    LOL Athena's cool, I'm just geeky ;)

  7. I like your blog and your work. It is very interesting. You might consider getting a Free Listing for both your Blog and your store in The Hand Made Product Directory
    To increase its visibility.

  8. come visit my blog, I featured another natural kids shop today.
    (your shop is on the list...promise!)
