Thursday, March 4, 2010

A Surprise Gift Away

A long time ago in a galaxy far far away...wait... wrong script.... a long time ago, well 2007 to be exact, a group of women led by Amber of Woodmouse got together on Etsy and started the NaturalKids team. It was a small group, with a small presence on Etsy. Since that time members have come and gone but the mission has stayed the same. To be a group of sellers dedicated to creating natural products for children. NaturalKids is a diverse group of artisans who make natural toys, utensils, clothing and accessories for kids and our goal is to support, promote and have fun together while building our businesses.
One of our 1st Team Blog Post read as below and it is still true today....
We are a diverse bunch from all over the globe who have at least one thing in common: we all work with natural materials in our products for children. Oh yeah, and we're all pretty darn crafty & talented too! Wool, wood, cotton...just simple materials direct from the Earth.

brown sheep by mamma4earth
So who are we?
Some of us are mothers of small children.
Some of us are mothers of grown children.
Some of us make dolls, some of us make hats, some of us make toys.
Some of us have been selling our wares for many years
Some of us are just starting to discover our talents and start selling.
Some of us work with natural materials for environmental reasons.
Some of us work with natural materials as part of the Waldorf educational philosophy.
Some of us work with natural materials because we believe they are healthier and safer.
Some of us just like working with natural materials.
Some of us sell our wares for a living.
Some of us sell our wares as a hobby.

Since that time, some of us are also fathers! :)

wooden robin toy by Imaginationkids

And today in honor of Spring, and our team, and heck just because we want to, the NaturalKids team is having a blog-a-thon with many of the team members also having give aways...I know, cool right?! Here's a list of those who are participating so go forth and see!

And for my part I am giving away one of my Bunkins. Yep that's him peeking out at the top of the post...and here he is in all his furry, all natural, recycled, glory.

To enter all you have to do is leave a comment below and on March 26th I will pick a winner...easy peasy!
And if you want to see LOTS more lovely spring things (ooo a poet!) check this out!

And while you're here you may have noticed that I've added some clickable pages to my blog...they're right up top under the banner. Please give them a look, I'd love to know what you think.


  1. I love your littlw bunny and would be happy to give her a good home!

  2. What a cute bunny, adorable. Please include me in your spring drawing

  3. What an ADORABLE bunny rabbit - I know a little one (just turned 3) who would be tickled pink (just like that little scarf) to welcome her home.

    Thanks for entering me!

  4. What a sweet cheerful bunny! I would love to be entered :)

  5. ooh :) what a bunch of cute things you all make :)))

    Love to win such a bunny!

  6. Yes what a cutie! Ive always loved your work :)

  7. Super cute bunny Cyn! He is sure to bring a happy face to the lucky winner!

  8. I love the way you changed up the beginning...Very creative and so much fun!

  9. Love the bunny!

  10. I would love to have bunkins live with all his relatives at my house. There are plenty of fairies to keep him company!

  11. Your bunkin is very cute; I love the buckteeth!

    urchiken at gmail dot com

  12. hi -
    love your sections/pages. And your bunnikin too.



  13. oh my, i would love that bunnykins!!

  14. It sounds like a great group of artist .
    Your bunny is super cute.


  15. such a cutie!!
    Oh and I have a naturalkidsgive-away too:

  16. That Bunkin looks like he would enjoy Hawaii. His face just screams, "Feed Me Poi!"

  17. We would give your bunny a good home :)
    off to check out the rest of your group! :)

  18. Very sweet bunny! I know just the little gal who would love this! :)

  19. love, love, love that frisky little bunny! thanks for the opportunity! ;)

  20. What a cute bunny, adorable. Please include me in your spring drawing
    data entry india
