Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Summer Thoughts...

Okay, I admit that Summer is not my favorite time of year. Perhaps if I lived in an area that didn't turn into a sweltering, smog laden, steam bath in the summer I might feel differently, and hopefully one day I can explore that option further, but in the meantime I'm stuck here in the hot and sticky South. That being said, I'm trying to focus on the better side of Summer...thinking positively and all that. So lets see, what can I come up with? Well right at the top of the list are fresh tomatoes...sweet, ripe, juicy, a red globe of culinary perfection. And gardening! I'm one of those eternally optimistic gardeners. No matter my many past experiences of gardens devastated by drought and pests... both of which are higher then average in my area...I still plant anew every Spring. This year has been exceptional so far and I actually have a beautiful garden, lots of veggies and lovely flowers. (Of course this could be a cosmic set up for future failures...but we're thinking positively here so cut that out!) Let's see, what else...Tubing down the river is a summer activity that we all enjoy, and a wonderful way to spend a summer day so that qualifies. Fireflies! I love those little guys, and butterflies and hummingbirds are also very welcome summer visitors. Hmm...I confess to be running out of ideas so I may have to add more in a future post. What's your favorite thing about summer?

This little fairy has been flitting about my garden lately. Her name is Seraphina, which means means fire-winged or burning one, an appropriate moniker for a summer fae, don't you think?

You can find more pictures of Seraphina here!


  1. Girl! I hate summer too. Okay, hate is maybe a bit strong, but I definitely do my fair share of hibernating during the summer months.

    My favorite things about this time of year are definitely of the food variety. Fresh local canteloupe, ripe tomatoes (tomato sandwiches are the best thing ever!), and anything grilled outside. Yumm!

    But I also like the fact that it stays lighter longer. Also,there is something sacred about those rare cool nights that come every once in a blue moon during the summer. Usually after a bout of unbearable heat and humidity.

    Don't ya just love the south?

  2. Oh! Seraphina just screams Summer. Now pass me those tomatoes, please. :)

  3. Summer i not my fav and I lived in the south for two years and did a jig when we moved north. But my summer fav's are; morning glories I love them so much, corn on the cob, not getting the kids up for school. Who likes fighting with an eight year old every morning. Going to Petosky Michigan on a camping trip. Baby rabbits in the yard and old ones too. Having my morning tea on the porch before the heat of the day. And my favorite summer thing is air conditioning. have a great August.

  4. It's always the pinafore fabric that makes it for me - Seraphina'a is no exception!
    I do like ripe tomatoes, but...
    summer in the South sucks, that's all there is to it.
    "September's coming soon..."

  5. ok the sticky south can't be that bad when a sweet orange fairy hatches there :)

  6. Wow. she's gorgeous. The orange is stunning. You do lovely work.

  7. Summer is not my favorite season either. I much prefer Fall and Winter. I just wanted to say that I love your work and Seraphina is gorgeous!

  8. Where exactly do you live, Cynthia? We are South too...but Tennessee south which is humid and no breeze and over 100 degrees and very much like you mentioned, sticky hot and miserable. I hate summer too...but I LOVE the fresh produce this time of year. I also love the crickets and frogs down at our pond at night. (never mind the bajillion mosquitos!!) Yes, we have talked and if we had the option of moving, we'd go north a bit...cooler weather year-round and of course, west...for the mountains. :0)

  9. OOOPS, P.S. I LOVE Seraphina, she's beautiful! :0)

  10. Oh she is such a fiery beauty! I'm not crazy about Summer either, but the longer days and abundance of flowers and treasures from the garden are well worth it, and the cricket~song at night...♥

  11. she is wonderful!!!!
    I love the darker skin
