
Thursday, May 28, 2009


Well here's a lovely surprise for today! My lavender babies were featured on the Etsy Stalker Blog along with some other really wonderful sachets. Way to go girls!

I'm almost finished with some more kitten girls...just need a bit of sun so I can take some pictures! I'm also thinking about doing another tutorial...but what would you like to learn? If you have something in mind, please leave me your ideas in the comments!

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Summer and Fall

Since yesterday was Spring, today I give you Summer and Fall...just because I can!

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Spring Bits

I'm feeling particularly muzzy headed today...also a bit muckle-ish know that "I can't settle to anything, droopy, nothing is working" feeling. So I decided to take a break and rummage around the yard seeking a bit of inspiration. And this is what I found.....

A perfect daylily

Lovely Lichens ...I love the word lichen...

and these sweet babies hidden in an overgrown rose bush near the raspberry patch. At first I couldn't figure out why this robin was shrieking at me while I was smelling the roses...but then I saw these cuties. Luckily this one was NOT with me at the time!

Not that she would ever be caught flailing about in a rose bush, for a cat she's amazingly clumsy...but still...she looks dangerous!

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Jam Today!

Despite what the White Queen says about jam in Alice Through the Looking Glass, " The rule is jam tomorrow and jam yesterday, but never jam today", you can see that indeed it is jam today here at The Nest. Strawberry jam and Strawberry-Orange marmalade to be exact. I used my brother David's recipe for the jam and just winged it for the marmalade and they both came out delicious. I love to see those jars of preserved fruits and veggies start filling my pantry shelves both satisfies my nesting instincts and warms that thrifty part of my soul. These are the first of this growing season but I hope that the weeks to come will bring pickles, tomato sauces, herb vinegars, and of course more jam!

Here's a little garden pixie ready with her watering can. I know I'll spend plenty of time lugging mine from the rain barrels to the garden eventually but for now we've been getting plenty of rain so that's still mostly in my future.

Happy Strawberry days to all of you!!

Thursday, May 7, 2009

You could be a Winner!

Good day all. It's been raining for days here but I have a bit of bright news for you. Make your way over to my friend Sara's blog right away for a chance to win some cool stuff including this one of my little leaf pixies!

I've been swamped with commission work but I did get to make a few more felted sweater bunnies who, as you can see, are having a grand time reading about their cousins.

Have a wonderful day!