
Monday, August 25, 2008

...And here it is!!

Well to start I have to show off this little fellow that I just finished. I was so inspired by the fauns some of the other members of the NaturalKids team made that I had to make my own. This is Timothy Tumnus, great, great, great, great grandson of the famous Mr. Tumnous of Narnia legend. I'm so pleased with how he turned out, he's just so sweet.

And then I thought you might like to see the results of last week's insane remodeling effort. Do I love the new furniture? Oh Hell Yes!! It is so awesome to have a Queen sized bed that I can hardly believe it...and matching furniture? Incredible.

The new guest room is finished, walls painted and furniture moved in. I think it looks pretty inviting!

So now I'm heading into the studio to try and get some serious work done! All kinds of shows are just around the corner. (She said, with a slight edge of panic in her voice!) Stay tuned, I should have some witches to show you soon....

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Grownup Tales...

I have been insanely busy lately simply because we decided to buy new bedroom furniture. Now this is a major event for us because we have never owned a new bed in 25 years of marriage and we never buy matching furniture...Everything in our house has a cozy mismatched ... okay picked up from the side of the road and refinished...feel. But the time had come to act! We needed a bed and dresser so we got them...and it made us feel weirdly grownup. I guess since I'm almost 50 I probably need to feel grownup at least upon occasion.
So the furniture was purchased. This set off a chain of work involving moving my son to his new room, painting his old room and turning it into a real guest room...another grownup away some of the truly beat up old furniture to the nice college kid next door...who gratefully gave us some of his awesome home brew in exchange...and on and on. The new stuff arrives tomorrow and I will be so thrilled, and so exhausted! Please tell me I'm not the only person who does major remodeling on the spur of the moment?
As you might guess little doll work is getting done in the Nest, but since school starts next week that will definitely change. In the meantime I leave you with a mini of some of the wonderful kid stuff from the NaturalKids Team....

Also if your interested, Rebecca, or Birdie as we call her, has done an interview with me over on her blog In My Cottage Garden. So there's that! Hopefully I'll be back with some new fairies next week...

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Attack of the Giant Beetles!!!

I have my nephews visiting this week so not much work is getting done on dolls, but it's a good thing they were here to do some beetle wrangling for me 'cause as you can see we've been infested with giant beetles lately.

Here's a peek at some of the new work in my shop. I re-did this wallet and gave it a really pretty mushroom print lining.

A sweet little fall pixie

Annona, the Fall harvest fairy, with a pumpkin made of recycled sweater felt...Love that stuff!!

Sunday, August 3, 2008

Trips, Teams, and Tabbies!

Hi all! I just got back from a trip to the mountains, where much fun was had despite my stomach acting out again. ( that darn thing!) I visited Schoolhouse Fabrics and bought some yummy new fabrics that I'll show you soon. But in the meantime I thought I'd let you know some other news....

I am on a wonderful Etsy team called NaturalKids that is made up of some of the nicest people I've ever met; supportive, caring and wonderful artists who all make items for children of natural materials and believe in trying to live in a sustainable and ecominded manner. Well one of our members wrote a terrific article for the Etsy Storque blog and you should go take a peek here. I love all the pictures of kids actually playing with their toys, great stuff.

And speaking of the team, I ordered an early birthday present for myself from FreedomRainbow, one of our members. I Love her shop! It's full of the most unique and charismatic stuffed animals I think I've ever seen, they're simply wonderful! He hasn't arrived yet but Sarah sent me some sneak preview pictures that I just Have to share...

Isn't he adorable?
I'm one of those people who just never get themselves anything unless it's completely practical. It's a depression mentality I seem to have inherited from my Dad. But I was oohing and aahing over Sarah's dolls and my sweet husband said..."well why not?" and I said "you're right, why not?!" and I did! Such decadence!