
Monday, June 16, 2008

Pippi and more word geekery

I apologize for not having the rest of the doll tutorial up yet, it's been very hectic here at the Nest since school got out for summer. We have an exchange student from France who has just arrived and we've been busy getting him acclimated and I'm trying to get ready for my upcoming big summer show, but I've gotten the pictures taken so I should be able to get the tutorial up the next time I have a bit longer free moment. In the meantime I leave you with Pippi, of Longstocking fame, arms akimbo. Isn't "akimbo" a great word?!

Friday, June 6, 2008

Attack of the Shroom People!

I have had such a great response to my new little ladies that I made for the team summer party, I thought I'd post them here for you all to see....

The top one was made especially for a "a gentle 2 year old bossypants" so I had to figure out a way around the polymer clay shoes. I extended the leg wires into feet and gave her sewn on booties and then was totally amazed that she could still stand...hooray for solutions that work!

Now all this mushroom stuff got me thinking of the book, The Wonderful Flight to the Mushroom Planet....somehow most of my thoughts seem to lead to books...can you say "AVID Reader!"
Anyway, my youngest brought this book home for me to read him years ago and immediately I thought "this looks like a bad B science fiction movie...Yuck!" But after putting it off for as long as possible, I was finally roped into an evening read...and what a surprise! This was such a sweet and gentle book with a wonderful story about a chicken, a rocket, a rescue adventure on a nearby planet, and two boys who love science. Written in the 1950's, so some of the science is a little retro, this is still a lovely children's book that I would highly recommend ... and here is where I come clean and admit that, yes, I did a stint as an elementary school librarian. Can you tell?

Monday, June 2, 2008

It's Party Time!

The Natural Kids team is having a Etsy party that is! The entire month of June, members of the NaturalKids Team will be posting new summer items for a giant summer party! Thanks so much to team member Orit for making this happen. NaturalKids is made up of sellers who specialize in natural products for children, and what, in this age of plastic, could be better then that?! To find our party items just type the tags "naturalkids summer party" into the search at Etsy or just click Here!
Above is a sneak peek at my first entry and here is the second;

The other team that I belong to, Fantasy Artists of Etsy has also been busy. The Midsummer Night's Dream Exhibition has just gone live on the FAE website and there are some marvelous pieces in it like this gorgeous circlet by Thyme2dream.

Click on this banner to see more:

fae exhibition

Look closely at the banner and you can see Keelie peeking out from the bottom left hand corner...

That's all for now folks, the next installment of the dollmaking tutorial will be coming soon!